Train Your Puppy to Listen in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Dogs are incredibly loyal creatures. They bring joy and companionship to our lives, but training them to obey commands requires effort and consistency. So, how can you turn a disobedient puppy into a well-behaved listener with just 10 minutes a day?

Congratulations to all the dog owners, especially those with puppies, who have stumbled upon this article on This is the second article in our puppy training series, designed to help you master four basic commands at home in the shortest time possible.

Train Your Puppy

Before training your puppy, they need to know their name. Just like humans, dogs need names to distinguish themselves. When they know their name, training becomes much easier. A focused puppy responds better when called by name.

So, how do you make your puppy remember their name?

First, choose a nice and interesting name for them, short and easy to remember. Then, every day, say their name clearly and loudly while making eye contact. When they look back at you, don't forget to reward them. Continue this until they respond consistently to their name.

Training Your Puppy to Come When Called

Once your puppy knows their name, you can start training them. Here's a basic command that many have successfully applied at home:

Start by standing about 5 meters away from your puppy. If they don't sit still and come to you when called, have someone else hold them in place. Then, call their name loudly along with a command like "come here" or "come" while waving or clapping. If they come to you, reward and praise them. Repeat this command daily.

Once your puppy is comfortable with the 5-meter distance, increase it to 10 meters. Continue with the same actions and commands until your puppy gets used to it. Don't forget to reward and praise them!

Tips for Training Your Puppy:

  • Consistency is key when training. Stick to one command and avoid confusion.
  • Never resort to punishment or yelling if your puppy doesn't listen. Stay calm and patient.
  • Practice commands in various situations. For example, when walking them, call their name and command them to come to you.

Training Your Puppy to Sit

Training Your Puppy to Sit

Training your puppy to sit is relatively easy and essential for future training sessions. It helps them focus rather than being distracted by running or jumping around. Here are the steps:

Stage 1:

Use treats for this stage. Choose your puppy's favorite food. Stand in front of your puppy, hold the treat in front of their nose, and give the command to sit. Typically, they may try to jump for the treat, but guide them to sit by moving the treat upwards, encouraging them to follow it until they sit. Once they sit, immediately reward and praise them. Repeat this with the command daily.

Stage 2:

In this stage, use your hand instead of treats. Extend your hand in front of your puppy's face, mimicking the same motion as with the treat. If your puppy sits, reward and praise them. If not, go back to Stage 1.

Stage 3:

Once your puppy is comfortable with hand commands, switch to verbal commands. Say "sit" and repeat the hand motion slightly away from their face. If they sit, reward and praise them. If not, repeat Stage 2.

Tips for Training Your Puppy to Sit:

This command is easy for puppies to learn but requires time and patience. Avoid long training sessions, as they may lose focus. Instead, incorporate the command into daily activities, such as feeding.

Training Your Puppy to Lie Down

Training Your Puppy to Lie Down

After your puppy has mastered sitting, you can train them to lie down. Here's how:

Start with the sit command. Once your puppy is sitting, give the command to lie down, such as "lie down" or "down," while gently pressing their shoulders down and moving their front paws forward until they assume the lying position. Repeat this command and action multiple times.

Once your puppy understands the lie-down command, increase the distance between you and them. If they follow you, return and repeat the command. If they stay put, reward and praise them.

Stay Patient in Puppy Training

These are four basic commands you can train your puppy at home. It requires patience and consistency, but with dedication, you'll see progress. If you've tried everything and your puppy still isn't improving, consider seeking help from a professional dog training center like With experienced trainers and convenient facilities, we can meet all your training needs, from potty training to advanced obedience.

Through this article, we hope you've gained basic knowledge on training your puppy to listen. Wishing you success in training your beloved furry friend!

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